Sunday 12 January 2014



The masthead is one of the most important things to a magazine front cover. It is the first thing that the consumer will see, therefore needs to be bold and eye-catching. As you can tell all of the above mastheads use strong bold colours meaning that they are instantly recgoniable. As well as using strong, bold colours, they also use block colours, making them stand out more, empathising the effect. They also all use very sharp, bold fonts. All of the fonts are used to enhance the mastheads, ensuring its the first thing the costumers see. All of the titles are short and therefore straight to the point. This could insinuate that their magazines follow the same principals, meaning that they can be easily processed. 

Also mastheads such as 'Kerrang', use design elements in their title. Keerang has an affect that makes the text look shattered, or breaking apart. This connotes to imply that the magazine is going to be quite edgy and sharp, which is exactly what it is. It also has an explanation mark at the end, again connoting it is a bold, sharp magazine. That it contains music that makes a statement and is very different and rocky. Therefor after taking into consideration my research, I will be ensuring that my masthead has very bold, block colours. 

I will also ensure that the font is either blocked and bold, enabling it to be very eye-catching or include a design element to give it a unique look, that would make it stand out on the self compared to any other magazine.

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